Notional that I was…

When I first planned to go abroad, my mind sought after the western countries. Even today, more or less, it is the same set up. Somehow the other countries seem less construing when want to make an occasional trip. The eastern countries capture less concern and especially, when it comes to our neighboring countries, it is the lowest. Maybe, I have a notion that those are more or less similar to our country. This notion was killed when my brother-in-law made a trip to China recently. He returned with marvelous stories that swept me off my feet!

My general knowledge about China was limited to Olympics, population, their food habits, language barrier and of course, Jackie Chan! But little did I know that there was so much more to it. ‘Progressive’ is the word that can be related to China in terms of being at least 20 years ahead of some known Asian countries. Moving rapidly towards being a developed country, it is evident to see them operating with a vision in conjunction with systematic planning. Their infrastructure with multi-layered flyovers, fifty-plus storied hotels, tallest buildings, gigantic malls, and broad roads decorated with super luxurious cars are keeping them at par or may be beyond the standards of raving westerners today.

Being the most populous country in the world, I wonder how they are able to manage such rapid growth and this successfully! They too have famines, social and political issues to handle, crashing economies, and crimes to address. But, amidst all these, what is it that makes them unstoppable? Well, I guess, it all boils down to their attitude. People out there are humble, dedicated and designed to excel. They contribute to quality and progress of their work as long as treated fairly. In any case, their compliance system allows them to be treated fairly for the quality produced. Overall, they have an immense, genuine social responsibility that they are personally accounted for, and so much that, they least bother to have cops around with a jurisdiction system, seeming the simplest thing in the world.

Another interesting factor is, apart from being quality conscious in their work, Chinese are the most health conscious people too. Their dietary habit constitutes naturally a healthy food keeping them extremely fit and energetic. Anyway, if you intend to shop for clothes in China, make sure to keep a tab on your fitness else on your baggage, either of them is a must!

Well, going forward, China is going to take the lead and will be the most sought after country in the world. Today everything is made in China, going forward too indeed…everything WILL be made in China!

Ufff what an outburst of notion, really!!

Signing off for now,
