
In a concert that I attended last week, one person suddenly got up out of that behaved crowd balancing the water bottle on his head and, danced around confidently and so gracefully showing the exorbitant involvement and the enjoyment that music was providing to him! He made the entire Chowdaiah Memorial Hall crowd to clap for him until the hands got sour! This Gentleman was nothing less than Seventy years of age!

My Grandpa who is in his nineties does not miss out on his disciplined routine of waking up at 5:30 in the morning followed by immediate bath and thereafter reading for rest of the day! And this holds good for all weekdays and the weekends that makes no difference to him even today!!

And I wonder how these above humble people could afford to be so ruthless to manipulate that number which gambles around in everyone’s life which is – A.G.E!

My belief is that every human being on this earth gets an age attack (referring to the state where one is bothered about growing older)! It could strike you some or the other time for some or the other reason and sometimes, it irritably tickles for no reason! I also firmly believe that, one must get a pretty severe age attack so that they deal with the problem and evolve out of that by understanding the grace that each age has to offer and enjoy the comfort! It’s easy to identify those faces who have mastered this following sentence which I happened to see in one of my friends FB profile- “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!”

Ageing gracefully is a popular phenomenon that most of us have heard of! It seems grace combined with wrinkles is adorable! Infact there are tons of elderly people in my own family that I can proudly quote who have successfully accomplished this hard task. But I choose the celebrities to illustrate as they are common and spice up this topic! The actress Rekha could be super stunning in her fifties but she terribly lacks the grace that Jaya Bachan possesses with almost same age. There is such breathtaking celebrities walk on Oscars Red carpet but I can’t stop looking out for my favorite actress Meryl Streep who is an epitome of grace to me!! Shobhaa De goes saying – Sixty is Sexy! And I can no way miss out to mention Dr.Vijay Mallya who not only carries the grace but gets more and more flamboyant with his age! And finally, Barack Obama’s recent visit to India and his activities made me wonder if there really a man exists like that or is it just a dream!!

I guess age has no interference with anything. People are doing much better and achieving much better as they move up the ladder. Recently in India, a hundred year old man did his PhD for god sake! In a television show, there was a nice debate with Rajat Kapoor and Shekhar Suman and couple of others where they were concluding that 40 is a new birth in human life since most of the people happens to be in their professional peak facing utmost challenges then. Looks like almost everything gets better with age!

Well, we all kind of know that age is related to such fine tuning of the mind. If mind doesn’t accept the limitations that come with each passing decade, then I don’t think so this age-o-meter can anyway work! It will be best to believe that “best is yet to come” and that way, moving forward will be damn exciting with a nice makeover of the overall personality as we proceed!!

As Lionel Blair Says-“Whenever the talk turns to age, I say I am 49 plus VAT”!

My interpretation on his saying is, he must be referring VAT to his experience coz that’s expensive and so are the taxes; and perhaps 49 is the age that he ever wants to stay on!!So it’s simple! You get to decide the age you want to be in and term the rest as the VAT! And in such case-'more the steam,the better it is'!

Well, now go ahead and set your age-o-meter to your convenience and gamble around gloriously!

Have a good game people:)

Signing off for now,



A line to remember...

In mid last week, when my two yr old niece was home and narrating all characters names looking at my huge f.r.i.e.n.d.s poster in my room, I got a call from random number asking me to attend a celebrity workshop! First checking on the hidden costs and then on the celebrities, I happen to check on the topic too. Lady replied saying “it’s on creativity!” Now that pulled me in right away as Creativity is my second most favorite word after ‘Resplendent’! (Ya…check the meaning folks...i too did recently;)

As it was a red tie event, I went in casually and having no problems in talking to people, made some friends besides whom I was suppose to be seated and soon realizing my complimentary invite was a gold class ticket which was worth 5K!!Hmmm having always liked surprises in my life, I loved this one!!

First, ‘Pritish Nair’ came in with whooping energy! Pritish is a phenomenal Corporate Trainer who organized the Workshop. With his amazing PR skills, he did a genuine justice to the innovative ice breaking session equipped with lot of fun! He was soon followed by ‘Rahul Bose’ who is an eminent Bollywood Actor, Director, Social Activist and plays Rugby I believe. A very passionate celeb on his NGO work and as he was speaking about it and the moral compass, our audience got enthralled and utilized his allotted time pouring questions on the same till the clock buzzed! I admire Rahul for his creativity and perhaps he was one of the prime reasons for me to attend the workshop and, I couldn’t believe that it had gotten faded that soon without me getting benefited!!!

Rahul was followed by one more Astounding and Impeccable speaker about whom I wish to talk about more. Before that, let me slip it to you about ‘Chetan Bhagat’ who came in at the end after dining. Now Chetan is a blockbuster guy so, whatever he talks will keep you alive! I face problems with his overrated books which bores me easily and apparently found him boring in person too. So I shall skip talking about him in this space.

Now, the Astounding speaker I was referring to earlier indeed came in like a spiced up patty in the snack who is a total entertainer, the Ad Guru of India- the famous ‘Prahalad kakkar’ currently in issues with Abhishek Bachan;) Although comparatively more aged than other speakers, mentally the man hasn’t aged at all. His looks were complimenting his creativity. He spoke what he has been called for and perhaps the only thing he knows is- ‘Creativity’! His talks were as spontaneous and adventurous as a rollercoaster ride. He started subtle but gradually went in to a gregarious mode pulling the crowd together with his pissed off language! The uncle next to me sure dint like him and probably fretted at me too coz I was enjoying Prahalad’s talks to the rim. I sure did :)

Prahalad poured his insane experiences on us, showed us some amazing ad films and was philanthropic enough in ledgering us the insights of life in his jovial way! At one point, he mentioned that it’s always difficult to do what we want to do or what we dream to do and the reason being- its god damn tough!! It rips you apart! It’s like bruising yourself and torturing yourself and yet one should be prepared not to come back!! While he was on with these pointers, one of our audience friends asked him a qn- “if we get on to all that we want to do, who will pay our bills?” for which my friends, Prahalad mentioned something and that’s the line to remember whenever required for you not just in this context but in general too! I will keep it unexplained and leave it to you to take a moment and ponder over and understand…! Well, here is what Prahalad answered and indeed it’s a line to remember…

“My friend, every tiny thing in life depends either on ‘lack of belief- OR- tremendous belief’ and you don’t give me a shit of hanging in b/n!”

Signing off for now,
