Commitment is a powerful thing!

Recently, I read on how it takes about 21 days to get accustomed to any new habit and after which, how it goes about fitting in as your second skin. But then, the real challenge is the start, and getting through those initial tribulation. It isn’t that easy, unless a strong commitment pitches in, especially an unbending commitment if it is for a healthy change. Anyways, that reading had a deviated impact on me and has overwhelmed me to share an important part of my life, about two angels, who have shown me through their living, not just about the power of commitment, but insights on wisdom, values and much more! Here I present to you an ounce of their reflection for you…

I fought for her finger ring for two consecutive years. Finally, when I got it, it fit me - tight and intact, making me feel so secure of her being with me. A gentle lady who was an epitome of grace, which had her face shining with simplicity, innocence, affection and selflessness. Her genuine smile could thaw any one bitter, and pierce through any one sweeter. Every time I think of her, I feel like bowing with respect, for she is like a Goddess to me. She knew nothing but to pass on that vibe, that everyone would get smitten by - her unconditional Love. Her life was committed to her good deeds towards her husband and rest of her loved ones, and even to strangers. There was no budging in doing her services wholeheartedly all the time. There was no excuse to take a break. It was the same all through, the same timings and the same discipline with increasing care and love every day. Inspite of being delicate, the inner strength she possessed was humongous as much as the immense common sense. She was a singer by heart, the charming, sweet, endearing, kind, and an eternal soul, the thought of whom can still fill up my eyes.

He was strict, intelligent, and extremely knowledgeable with high self esteem. Something that he maintained forever is the discipline in timings. After all, an Army man. He never missed waking up at five in the morning and maintaining the disciplined schedule. He possessed such an intense will power that denied him to pop in a single pill throughout his life even with the chronic heart ailment and nagging knee problem. A lexicon by nature, he kept reading voraciously and was updated about current affairs all the time. He lived independently, so much that I remember him returning two rupees that he owed me once. He nurtured his precious wisdom and faced many adventures in life. He was well aware, informed and extremely organized, fulfilled his responsibilities so well and never did he transcend any of his troubles to others. He was the ideal example for a great leader. Apart from these, he had an attitude of extreme care that he showed through his anger. He always considered others comfort and respected all. Being a strict, well mannered, and a rigid soul, ironically instilled love in everyone’s heart, he is someone whom I can never ever discard from my life and who makes me proud of my association with him- every single minute.

Yes, I started by talking about 21 days of commitment, but these noble people I have described here have led a meaningful life for about nine decades with such a powerful commitment to simple, but yet a great revering life, which tempted me to include them here as they fit the best for this topic. How strong and determined were they to imbibe that innate and pervasive quality of Love, Generosity, and Self-respect and mainly to –Commitment! I can’t say much, as my heart pours out with speechless emotions when my thoughts catches on their memories.

To my Grandparents, whom I love, respect and miss the most.

Signing off for now,



Betaal said...

Vivid remembrance ! Torrid feelings... It shows your commitment to emote the best ways ever, always !

Abhi said...

Hmmm......couldn't agree with you more.....reading this blog took me back to the greatest moments of our life we have lived with these great people and tears are just unstoppable. These two will always be role models to us to lead our life the way they led their life with completeness n mainly with committment to each n every responsibility of their life. Don't know what else to say but neatly written about our grandparents who will live in our hearts forever.

Shri-Insights said...

yes, thats a good one. We dont need icons to learn things, but our own elders are living examples. Somehow, their exp is seldom used by most of us and often discarded calling it "Generation Gap". Thanks for that writing.


Achala said...

Bibs,been moved..thank u!

Abhi,indeed u know it all.

Shridhar, that's true. Even to incorporate some relevant practices and follow them, it's damn hard!

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