The new traffic-beating system!

I was driving the other day, and I instantly knew that a 15 minute journey is going to take me not less than 45 minutes or so. I could see a long stretch of traffic stuck and inching ahead at snail’s pace. Playing the same fusion music was getting on to my nerves, and couldn’t find my choice on FM radio. The worst point being that none of the people that I wanted to talk were available on phone and I was extremely bored for having to chase the pile of traffic all alone.

I started looking at people around me. Watching them prompted me to recollect one of the incidents my sister had narrated some time ago. According to her story, a middle-aged person was once caught in the similar situation and was yelling at a guy on a bicycle, who was standing on the median for no fault of his, and people around, including the victim burst out laughing understanding the middle-aged person’s frustration on the piling traffic. Thinking about that incident cracked me up a bit and I felt lighter, which indeed prompted me to turn my plight around and make it more fun instead of dreading the unavoidable. And that happened by yet another tactic of bearing the traffic which I have accomplished many a times.

As I was once a big fan of Road Rash, a racing video game, I sometimes tend to perceive driving as playing a video game. I set my targets to chase some car in the front, which could be blue, sometimes the maroon or sometimes the posh ones which ever caught my interest. I set my target and strive to achieve each time we get on the go. It is adventurous, interesting, gives mission on the road, involves strategies and kills boredom. When you have no other go, it is fun to beat the heat of the traffic this way.

Do try this out next time when you are bored or tired of driving long distances. If you are a gamer, you will love it! But, be safe… It doesn’t give you those three chances before the game’s over ;)

Signing off for now,



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