Back in Time!

Well I am just back in after a long holiday with my family! Infact my last blog article was also posted while being on a holiday reading which, one of my friends left a message on fb saying- she is expecting another blog post about my holiday and, here I am with it and kind of want to dedicate this one to her!

Now, what shall I write about this extravagant holiday that I had!! If it was my dad, he would have definitely chosen to write about the engineering and the bridges that he went gaga over. And if it was my mom, then certainly about the gorgeous summer flowers or her wedding anniversary celebrated in her favorite legendary singer’s restaurant or the stunning Lord Venkateshwara’s temple in Birmingham or just about how fascinated she was to talk to my niece anytime she wanted over the net.

But now it’s me who is writing…having lots of more choices! Should I write about all of those art galleries I visited or my beautiful countryside journey to Milton Keynes or about the tempting beach huts in Colchester or about that amazing walks in Piccadilly circus or the rollicking self informative trains which led me to be on own there or about the awing Shakespeare’s birth house at Stratford or just about the day sipping through a lemonade spritzer by Thames river!! Umm…tough…but in any case, I have chosen to write about something that has fascinated me the most from the beginning of the holiday! And, it’s always nice to write about something fascinating that has fascinated me in the first place!!

My obsession to that thing started as early as in a stop over at Dubai Airport where I clicked the first snap of it without knowing what was coming ahead. Once I reached London, the same thing took my breath away. It was there everywhere….I repeat ‘everywhere’!!In Greenwich, it had the entire history and some classic models wherein you place your hand on it only to get slid down realizing the smoothest thing you have ever felt. Ripley’s had it made out of walnuts for god sake…believe it or not;). When went to a Lords cricket ground tour saw a hep sporty one, infact the London eye looks to be a replica, the Buckingham palace had the one which was made in 18 th century with minute details considered and for that matter, the ‘Big Ben’ which is my D favorite with its big history had the most sophisticated one!!

Yes…I am referring to the lovely looking status levied Roman clocks all over there restored from back in time. It was there on all the possible buildings, stations, near castles, churches, monuments, junctions and literally everywhere!!But ironically one thing I realized during my big bus tour was about two things that got missed out in most famous Madame Tussaudes were the clock and Shakespeare’s wax statue! Hmmm…wonder if I have missed that…strange! Anyway talking about those sensational clocks, it was just not about the time, but- the beauty of the time, the importance of the time and the investment in time. It’s always interesting to see the combination of beauty and intellectual intelligence and that’s what those clocks have represented to me and that’s what drawn me the most to it! It’s a serious business without a doubt and I couldn’t stop admiring it and perhaps falling in love with it!!

I flaunt my red watch when I am informal and the silver one with sea green dialed otherwise. Now I know, the next time I select my watch, I am gonna wait until I can make an investment in ‘time.’ It’s a realization from the imperial past that with every tick or in every hour bell of the clock that….its no merriment and it’s certainly true that….Time is “Precious”!!

Signing off for now,



Lokesh said...

hey another blog....good one! having you all here, we had a great TIME... :)

Yes, as u know time was very important for people over's important even now :) for many...The reason for them to be everywhere is that they invested a lot on inventing / measuring time and hence we see clocks on many buildings. They were a means for people to know the time in those days (before watches were invented).

Betaal said...

Welcome back ! The time stood still where you were not around ;)

Achala said...

Lokesh- Finally after all that drooling over those clocks full time there, the information cell has finally opened up...thank you:)
Indeed our great times turned to be D best times only coz you ppl were so charming and esp your cooking and insane jokes unbeaten;)

Bibs- As usual you are impossible:)

Unknown said...

As always I feel fresh reading your blog! :)...That's real good to know all of you had a very good time there...And about the clocks!..yeah.. even I'm very much amused about them being found everywhere here in NY City as well...

Shri-Insights said...

good to see your blog and you have found a new way to describe time and its value. a nice blog, as it was always

Achala said...

Ashwini- May be there was Romans intervention in American history too or its the overall Western culture of respecting time...need to seek out...

Shridhar- Indeed you have mentioned one of the core pointers that this blog post intended to imply.

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