When I was in the IT world, I was made to play three different roles. In each of them, I had to go through standard initial phase. As much as it is necessary to go through that phase, it slightly hampers the creative thinking and the freedom. One will not be able to translate thoughts into action easily during the initial learning phase. Any move will be unacceptable. If you swank much, you will be miserable and if you swank little, you will again be miserable. That phase, my friends, is the ‘Transition’- the ‘T’ letter-word!
In the above context, the ‘T’ letter-word may be of less importance. What I really feel for is the ‘Cultural Transition’ in
Anyway moving away from both the above contexts, there are some transitions which could people die for! For instance, when I had visited Nandi hills to witness dawn, there were many like me who were jammed up at 5 AM to experience the transition of dark into the misty beautiful day, which was a wondrous experience! Likewise, can’t deny the superiority of the transition of hard work into success; suffering into blessing; patience into payback; dream into reality; failure into strength; stranger into love; and self into the truth.
In any case, transition is hard to be welcomed. But it will be of so much worth if it’s for a better reason, and if stepped up for a great new beginning. No doubt the word Transition comes along with other ‘T' letter-words like- Tough, Troublesome, Tension, Trust, etc. But if you pass that phase, it’s dead sure to lead to that one big ‘T’ letter-word ......'Triumph'!
Signing off for now,
Very well written on the 'T' letter word... and this made me "T"hink and "T"hank God about the list of superiority of transitions mentioned here..and made me say again a "T" letter word for this post "ThankU" :-)
T word has so much relevance in our life. you have truely enlightened us about that T Achala. I some how after reading some blogs, think, they are so close to everyone's life.
good one again.
Ash- wow!! 'T'errific response eh!:) most welcome...
Shridhar- Thank u for the feedback. I definitely agree with you on the relevance part.
Well....Many times in life things are realised only when someone says it or just makes you to read it. Really till this exact moment i had never thought of this T word importance in the form of so many words in our daily life....Wow!!!!!! Very well written and"T"hanks for the enlightment because this is surely in some way gonna help me with aniki's upbringing coz right now i can associate all the T words mentioned in your blog only with aniki's life, the way i want to give her a good n meaningfull life. Good one Bhuji.
Happy to know that Abhi:)
I like these phrases....hard work into success; suffering into blessing; patience into payback; dream into reality; failure into strength; stranger into love; and self into the truth
Thanks Lokesh.
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