Connecting the Dots - is a fun game and I am sure you are familiar with it. It’s the age old game in supplements about joining the dots serially to get to the wholesome picture. Best part about this game is that it’s neither serious, nor difficult, but just ‘fun’ to get to the figure intended. Children might get special thrill doing this and these days, it’s on par with digi world. You can play it on touch screens which could be played by tiny tots who are yet to be familiarized with the counting system. But interestingly, beyond this, there is someone else above- an Immortal Power, who is playing this game with our lives - very cleverly, fancying more complicated designs, twists and without getting to the slightest possible clue of the picture before in hand. Needless to say, someone up there must be having great fun!
Well, to get more clarity on my say here, do try and introspect your life backwards. Observing some of the important happening or critical incident starts to look so tailor made as though it was intended to connect the dot sooner or later. For instance, a dreadful happening or a situation might irritate for the moment, tire us up totally and our efforts might go in vain producing zilch results. But, going forward, it will certainly have a lead to some influence, some impressions, some learning’s, some carry-forwards, some worthy mistakes, some improvements, some convincing results, some encounters, or just some connections, either- Deep or Remote!
Once you realize that the game is all about arriving at the final picture and the divine creator is on play with some purpose, it’s more comforting to deal any kind of situations which seeds in the effective thought of – Everything Happens for the Best. And this way, it’s conducive to wait for the moment, wait for the unanswered prayers to be cleared, or just wait for the Dots to be Connected….and enjoy being part of that fun game!
This is quite philosophical as you had mentioned earlier. Philosophy has its own significance in life. It holds good to everyones' life provided they take it in right spirit. thanks for that beautiful correlation.
Hiya! Found your blog via Facebook.
Sometime back Steve Jobs too had talked about how this "connecting the dots" phenomenon made an impact in his life. You can find it here [standford.edu].
Your last few lines have made me think - can one consciously try to "connect the dots" from the past or is it supposed to just happen? hmm...I am thinking it's the latter (most of the time).
- Namit
Shridhar- Thanks again. Glad you liked it.
Namit- Thanks for sharing such a wonderful article. It was a great read.
And, of course, I agree that it’s the latter but, sheer observation of some of the already connected dots might help one in bouncing back to form under distress situations. Preachy I know, but intended:)
indeed it is a great article namit.
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