10 Cues!

Sometime back when I was chatting with my friend, we happen to talk about this game- 20qns! It’s indeed a total fun game and I am sure many would have played this but still, let me explain this in simple words. It’s basically a guessing game! For instance, if one person has some object in mind, the other person should guess that object by asking various questions leading to the answer with the limit for qns ofcourse being 20.

On the other hand, if this game is played on you about yourself in bit of a reversed order , then it would make you feel like a contestant either in ‘Moment of truth’ or ‘Sach ka samna’ and that’s exactly what me & my friend were ultimately referring to;) Anyway, my chat with my friend has nothing to do here but it surely gave me an idea to come up with this blog post with a slight twist in the game.

Just for fun, I thought of coming up with 20 cues for you to guess on something magical that I am referring to! But then I changed my mind and reduced it to 10 cues since I dint want it to be a give away for your easy guess to the answer…hopefully!

Below are the cues for you to think on what exactly I am talking about. It’s a one word answer and if I get impressed by someone’s correct answer with some creative spill on the presentation, may be they’ll receive a ‘surprize’ from me;)

So come on ppl…game on…

  • It’s a geniuses business!
  • Manipulates the human mode!
  • Can tickle the soul!
  • It’s natural with nature!
  • Deadly romantic!
  • Has a wide choice!
  • Can be there in solitude!
  • Infants too get carried away!
  • A proven therapy!
  • Its there everywhere!

Signing off for now,



Betaal said...

Music ??

Lokesh said...

mmm....yes, I think music is the correct answer.

If the cue - "infants too get carried away" wasn't there what do u think i am thinking :)

Achala said...

@both- I did get some interesting responses in FB for the same like 'Aroma', 'Smile' and someone even said 'Milk'!! if you think in Indian context, Milk is such a bewitching ans!!!;)

Well, the final ans is none other than 'music'!! so both of u have gotten it right and one person in FB. Hmmm congratulations:)

@Lokesh- do let me know ur ans excluding that cue:)

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