My wistful fantasies…
A rare city...
Even the Cactus can be beautiful!
- sinking into me the Realization that I had taken just one picture on my phone…
Falling in Love!
If no pain, no fun in gain!
I can’t stop grinning while typing this blog post! I am thinking about how Life plays around with us giving the ‘same damn’ realizations over and over again, but with a twist. Gosh!! What a feeling I have gone through today…Ultimate! It was a feeling of complacency, struggle, stubbornness and finally an accomplishment. To top it all, the reward was so short but then felt - plenty!
The new traffic-beating system!
I was driving the other day, and I instantly knew that a 15 minute journey is going to take me not less than 45 minutes or so. I could see a long stretch of traffic stuck and inching ahead at snail’s pace. Playing the same fusion music was getting on to my nerves, and couldn’t find my choice on FM radio. The worst point being that none of the people that I wanted to talk were available on phone and I was extremely bored for having to chase the pile of traffic all alone.
I started looking at people around me. Watching them prompted me to recollect one of the incidents my sister had narrated some time ago. According to her story, a middle-aged person was once caught in the similar situation and was yelling at a guy on a bicycle, who was standing on the median for no fault of his, and people around, including the victim burst out laughing understanding the middle-aged person’s frustration on the piling traffic. Thinking about that incident cracked me up a bit and I felt lighter, which indeed prompted me to turn my plight around and make it more fun instead of dreading the unavoidable. And that happened by yet another tactic of bearing the traffic which I have accomplished many a times.
As I was once a big fan of Road Rash, a racing video game, I sometimes tend to perceive driving as playing a video game. I set my targets to chase some car in the front, which could be blue, sometimes the maroon or sometimes the posh ones which ever caught my interest. I set my target and strive to achieve each time we get on the go. It is adventurous, interesting, gives mission on the road, involves strategies and kills boredom. When you have no other go, it is fun to beat the heat of the traffic this way.
Do try this out next time when you are bored or tired of driving long distances. If you are a gamer, you will love it! But, be safe… It doesn’t give you those three chances before the game’s over ;)
Signing off for now,
Shittt…not done!
About two weeks ago, I was standing in front of a small building contemplating for quite some time about entering the place or not. The dilemma arose as I had a choice to enter into a much bigger building that was just 200 meters away. I was drawn to the farther one, which by the way was a shopping mall and would have been more instrumental in making my recent Goa trip more exciting. But then, I decided to enter in to the smaller building – The Bank.
I filled my deposit slip and noticed not many people around the cashier, so I deposited the cash directly. Then I walked down the road, to my car, after a hiatus of two hours- Window Shopping! In the mean time, noticed that there was no sms update on my phone about the deposit I had made, whilst I was informed that it was going to be an instant upgrade and would have the information reach me in no time. I normally get immediate intimations the moment I ‘withdraw’ cash from the bank. Not that I was worried, but as a woman, I would have appreciated the certainty for all my sacrifices.;)
A day passed by without a message. Then it got me thinking, not about the message, but about life’s ways! In congruence to the above example, it made me realize, that how every time you receive something from life, it tends to get highlighted immediately, and how that every time you give in something to life, it gets acknowledged so late. It usually demands more time, more giving in, to have that slightest deserving aid and the comeback might be so late that it wouldn’t even matter anymore, or sometimes… it doesn’t even come back. Shittt….not done!:)
PS: And BTW, though I have resolved the mystery of my banking transaction by logging on to the net, the message… is still awaited ;)
Signing off for now,
Commitment is a powerful thing!
Recently, I read on how it takes about 21 days to get accustomed to any new habit and after which, how it goes about fitting in as your second skin. But then, the real challenge is the start, and getting through those initial tribulation. It isn’t that easy, unless a strong commitment pitches in, especially an unbending commitment if it is for a healthy change. Anyways, that reading had a deviated impact on me and has overwhelmed me to share an important part of my life, about two angels, who have shown me through their living, not just about the power of commitment, but insights on wisdom, values and much more! Here I present to you an ounce of their reflection for you…
I fought for her finger ring for two consecutive years. Finally, when I got it, it fit me - tight and intact, making me feel so secure of her being with me. A gentle lady who was an epitome of grace, which had her face shining with simplicity, innocence, affection and selflessness. Her genuine smile could thaw any one bitter, and pierce through any one sweeter. Every time I think of her, I feel like bowing with respect, for she is like a Goddess to me. She knew nothing but to pass on that vibe, that everyone would get smitten by - her unconditional Love. Her life was committed to her good deeds towards her husband and rest of her loved ones, and even to strangers. There was no budging in doing her services wholeheartedly all the time. There was no excuse to take a break. It was the same all through, the same timings and the same discipline with increasing care and love every day. Inspite of being delicate, the inner strength she possessed was humongous as much as the immense common sense. She was a singer by heart, the charming, sweet, endearing, kind, and an eternal soul, the thought of whom can still fill up my eyes.
He was strict, intelligent, and extremely knowledgeable with high self esteem. Something that he maintained forever is the discipline in timings. After all, an Army man. He never missed waking up at five in the morning and maintaining the disciplined schedule. He possessed such an intense will power that denied him to pop in a single pill throughout his life even with the chronic heart ailment and nagging knee problem. A lexicon by nature, he kept reading voraciously and was updated about current affairs all the time. He lived independently, so much that I remember him returning two rupees that he owed me once. He nurtured his precious wisdom and faced many adventures in life. He was well aware, informed and extremely organized, fulfilled his responsibilities so well and never did he transcend any of his troubles to others. He was the ideal example for a great leader. Apart from these, he had an attitude of extreme care that he showed through his anger. He always considered others comfort and respected all. Being a strict, well mannered, and a rigid soul, ironically instilled love in everyone’s heart, he is someone whom I can never ever discard from my life and who makes me proud of my association with him- every single minute.
Yes, I started by talking about 21 days of commitment, but these noble people I have described here have led a meaningful life for about nine decades with such a powerful commitment to simple, but yet a great revering life, which tempted me to include them here as they fit the best for this topic. How strong and determined were they to imbibe that innate and pervasive quality of Love, Generosity, and Self-respect and mainly to –Commitment! I can’t say much, as my heart pours out with speechless emotions when my thoughts catches on their memories.
To my Grandparents, whom I love, respect and miss the most.
Signing off for now,
The Breeze...
I remember torturing my high school friends and fewer work friends with my poems. Though it’s not in my interest to pen down verses, some blaze of emotions are bound to explode through this mode. Now, after couple of years of gap, I got pulled in again, into the same tangle. Well, now, I don’t have my high school friends, but here I am sharing it with you even when I know it’s going to be yet another torture for all:) Enjoy!
The Breeze…
On a dark timid night, just when I thought I was being punished;
Consenting to surpass the hurdle, with a mind of toleration;
Straining to uphold, decking up with the happenings, bit dim;
Something missing, something haunted me for a while;
I could not be lifted, could not be cajoled, and could not be shoved;
But with deep perspiration, which is like a realization, went with a flow;
Like a drop in the river, drop from the rain, swift and cool;
Suddenly jabbed with a strange complacent, a passing cloud, The Breeze;
That made me breathe, with a moist wind caressing my hair, force closing my eyes;
Making me feel my own smile, drifting rugged thoughts, senses;
Waking up the dead emotions, so hard, like a dead from life, refreshed;
Awakening the profound respect, for nature’s subtle existence;
The dance, the song, the moments, the acquaintance, with no end;
That gentle breeze, on that dark timid night, became part of life.
Signing off for now,