Creativity astounds me! Off the top of my head- the one thing that I think really floors me is the advertising world of the modern era. It is so unconventional these days and does such a great first hand sales. The attention grabbing is so tricky and some geniuses do it so well. Some of the print ads gosh…unimaginable…I recently read somewhere that most of the Indian and the global brands believe in using blue colour in their logos as blue stands for reliability. And I am sure, there would be lot more conditions & restrictions that one may have to keep in mind and yet create the best! Wonder how the right brain of humans can make such a larger impact!!
On the other hand, creativity has so much to contribute in our daily life as well. You may want to manage your time creatively, you may want to work out your office schedules creatively, you may want to tackle your family problems creatively, or you may want to come up with great life style creatively. Apparently everything gives a room for a creative work out.
Once, one of my colleagues requested me to contribute some material for his abroad university applications wherein he had to write about knowledge-vs-imagination. I was thrilled to just think about it. It apparently boils down to creativity-vs- logical thinking. As much as logical thinking is important, I could not resist giving an upper hand to the creative thinking. Imagine some of the finest men and women who are extremely good in their logical thinking- concepts, facts or procedures but can’t expand it due to lack in creativity. It is as good as garaging their knowledge. Imagine scientists with rich concepts but had no imagination or creativity, we would have been denied of so many inventions today. The same goes with musicians or painters. Wow- What a great loss that would have been! I somehow feel that having vague idea on actual concepts or basics is still better to create something outstanding or to make difference. Just like Henry ford, who understood little of engineering but demanded a great deal from his employers to transference his imaginations into reality. Ultimately they had no option but just to do it.
Overall, I bank upon the contribution of creativity to be not just the ‘ball park’ in all creations but the ‘whole all’. Infact, one of the best creations of the ultimate creator is that, he has bestowed a creative thinking into human life!
Signing off for now,
Hi Achala!
I liked the way creativity was visited by you. I think creative people are the eyes of the word. They are the guys who bring shape to our imaginations and make you see what they want to show. Any form of creativity is the greatest gift to humankind. Have you seen the latest Tanishq ad? WOW! is what I said when I saw the ad for the first time. Its great to see that you are a friends fan! Three things I do when I am depressed 1. reach my asterix collection, 2. reach my tintin collection 3. hold my ipod with all episodes of friends in it! There is a pattern in the series. Every episode which have the thanksgiving festival is superly hilarious! just check this out!! keep in the loop achala its nice to read a nice 'write'.
Well written about creativity and was curious to find out what "water colours" was while reading. My take on creativity is that its nothing but extension of logical thinking.
nice one achu...i think u've been creative to certain extent in writing this.
Creativity...many think of beautiful things! Why can't creative be destructive....well forget it...i think u r saying the positive sides of having non destructive creativity :) It's really great to be creative that way n btw, knowledge vs imagination, they need one another!
Its good to get different perspective on creativity from diff people! i enjoyed reading all your views and agree with you all.
Just that, i lean bit more towards creativity because its like this essential fuel that keeps vehicle moving.
mmm....yes, but again, vehicle needs fuel to move and fuel needs a vehicle to use it's power! So both needs one another
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